Kamis, 17 April 2014

Enemy Health Food

When the time is getting colored with a variety of deadly diseases peculiar, so now it is no longer time for us to play around with the food we eat. Here are some foods that should be considered an enemy of health.

Soft Drinks

Soda is a beverage that does not contain any nutrients. Therefore, if you want to satisfy your thirst, you should choose white water, iced herbal tea, or skim milk. If you want a sweet drink, limit your portion with a glass of fruit juice a day.

If you find that a lot of diet soda help reduce your weight during this time, then drink, but increasingly day reduce the portions, so you get used to keep away sweet things.

Foods that contain trans fats

Biggest contributor of trans fat is margarine, canned vegetables, frozen meats, crackers, ramen soups, cake, chips, and candy. Trans fat is one of the leading causes of coronary heart disease in a person.

Fried foods

While it might not always contain trans fats, but fried foods or foods sold in restaurant fryers are often cooked with used oil.

This kind of oil can cause a variety of diseases. After all processed foods by frying it contains more fat. Frying process makes the food absorbs the fat contained in the oil. Better choose foods that are baked / in-oven rather than are fried.

Bread flour

A healthy bread contains about 2 grams of fiber apiece. Fiber breads more nutritious and give the impression of fuller longer (fitting for you who are on a diet) than just bread flour.


Alcohol is not on the same track with your diet program. In fact, alcohol has the potential to gain weight, because it contains 7 calories per gram, while carbohydrates and fats only contain 4 calories per gram. In addition, alcohol-containing substances that can slow the bodys metabolism. Once the body contaminated with a touch of alcohol, it is rather difficult for you to come back have a healthy diet.

Fat milk and yogurt

Although they are a source of calcium and protein are quite good, but they are also rich in fat. Therefore, choose fat-free milk. As for the cheese, choose a fat content of no more than 5 grams per ounce.

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