Kamis, 01 Mei 2014

7 Healthy Snack Foods For Kids

There are lots of snacks which are favored by children, but select the healthy snacks for their growth. Your parents must be observant and watch out for kids snacks, as some snacks contain substances harmful to the body as well as for the development of children.

The first thing parents should consider is a snack food manufacturer, because a lot of snack food manufacturers, especially the home-based industry, tend to ignore the quality and the rules on the use of hazardous substances that have been regulated by the government. Consider also kind of food that will be consumed, snack food should contain a variety of substances that are beneficial to the growth and development of your child.

Here are some healthy snack foods that kids love:

1. Yoghurt

In addition to healthy and delicious, yogurt is packed with very higinies. Packaged in glass mini portable, yogurt is available in various flavors with fruit in them. Yogurt is rich in calcium and essential vitamins, minerals. Yogurt also has healthy bacteria which facilitate the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.

Yogurt itself contains two types of probiotics, namely lactobacillus and bifidobachterium. Nutrients that are found in yogurt is the reason why we need to eat. Role of yogurt are needed in healthy digestion, reduce the risk of high blood pressure, osteoporosis, and infections of the vagina. One more, for your children who are obese, yogurt can be one menu diet because it is believed to glut.

2. Trail mix

Trail mix is a combination of dried fruits, whole grains, nuts, and usually mixed with chocolate to serve as a snack. Dried fruits are usually used as the main ingredient are cranberries, raisins, apricots, apples, or candied orange peel. While nuts are a complementary that is almonds, peanuts, hazelnuts, or cashews.

With a wide range of foods that are mixed into one, making trail mix or gorp rich in protein and carbohydrates that are healthy for the body. Trail mix is sold in various versions and forms, its an abundance of it will be its own uniqueness as a snack that is right for your child.

3. Raisins

Raisins are dried grapes and can eaten directly. Raisins are already known to the public in the 11th century AD, in Europe. The role of raisins for a healthy body, making it a favorite dry food many people in the world.

Raisins are commonly used as a cooking ingredient is believed to be rich in fiber, iron, and vitamin B complex. Thus, in addition to aid digestion, raisins can also reduce the risk of anemia, and for children who have problems with weight gain, raisins can reliably resolve.

4. Apple sauce

Apparently, children are more enthusiastic to eat apple sauce instead of the actual fruit. And this is certainly a good news for you, because of the low sugar content applesauce will not adversely affect the health of children. To make things a little more interesting for children, you may be able to be creative by adding raisins, cinnamon and nuts in the apple syrup. Another great way to serve apple sauce, maybe you can encourage your child to enjoy in the form of ice lollies.

5. Popcorn

No need to worry about the salt and butter that are high on popcorn. Popcorn filled with fiber and whole grains, so that the benefits will be great for your childs health. Popcorn can be a suitable light snack any time of day. If your kids feel some popcorn too bland for them, you can add dried herbs, cinnamon or a little cheese in it.

6. Fruits

There is no reason for you to remove the fruit from the list of snacks that are delicious and healthy for children. Fruits contain a lot of nutrients and fiber. A variety of fruit such as apples, oranges, or you can apply avocado as a dessert at meal time. With nutrition conceived, and delicacy, your child may not refuse to eat it. Do not forget to creation fruit, like a salad so that children are more interested in eating it.

7. Smoothies

Smoothies seem very tempting in terms of taste and shape. Combined with a variety of other foods such as chocolate, nuts, and raisins, make smoothies more exciting to eat. Eits, do not stop there, as the benefits of fruit in general, smoothies are rich in fiber which can help with digestion. In addition smoothies can also be glut, it can give energy intake and stabilize blood sugar in the body

How To Get Rid of Constipation

Constipation can be a symptom of the disease, but more often due to lifestyle. Constipation is almost ever experienced by everyone. Many factors can cause constipation. Dietary fiber less food, less drinking, lack of exercise, and dependence on laxatives, stroke, and colon problems, can all be causes.

Signs of constipation is defecation frequency of less than 2 times a week, irregular bowel movements and hard stools that sometimes cause pain. Of course this condition causes discomfort, here are tips to get rid of constipation and improve the general health of the digestive system:

1. Rehydration (drinking lots of water)

The first step to relieve constipation is doing to alleviate dehydration rehydration. If you are less liquid, then the stool will be hard and difficult to get out. Increasing fluid intake is actually a step that is easy and inexpensive, but many people forget to drink. To get adequate fluid intake, you can drink between meals.

It takes an extra liter of water than the amount that you normally take to improve bowel function. Expand drink water, because soft drinks or coffee is not the same quality as regular water. If you are drinking more than 3 liters but still having constipation, dehydration probably not the cause of your constipation problems.

2. Increase Physical Activity

The next step is to relieve constipation by increasing physical activity. If you sit at a computer all day, then go home and watch TV after dinner, to be sure you are moving your body.

You can add physical activity to exercising regularly. One movement that helps is to bend and twist your back and abdominal muscles. The movement can stimulate the intestines or bowel movements easier and smoother. Another benefit of exercise is that youll feel thirsty so they can add more water intake.

3. Do not Delay or Hold

Many people who suffer from constipation because they delay or hold back defecating. This is contrary to the system of the body. Therefore, the third step to relieve constipation is to avoid delaying or withholding to defecating when you feel want to defecating.

4. More Fiber

Eating more fiber in the daily diet is one step that you should do to relieve constipation. Eat more fruits and vegetables, and reduce milk and meat. It can help relieve constipation that you may experience.

5. Reduce consumption of processed foods

Processed foods or packaged foods have a certain shelf life and usually contain preservatives that are not good for digestive health.

6. Limit the consumption of foods and medications that can cause constipation.

There are some foods that can cause constipation, for example, is bread made from white wheat or dairy products, meat, eggs, cheese and processed foods. Similarly, drugs such as antacids can also cause constipation. Therefore, limit your consumption of foods and drugs.